Reason to follow

Frequently asked questions

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What is "Reason to follow" browser extension?
"Reason to follow" is a browser extension designed to help users save text notes about social media profiles they are following. It provides a convenient way to jot down why you decided to follow a particular profile.
How can I install the "Reason to follow" extension?
You can install the extension from the official browser extension store. Just search for Reason to follow and follow the instructions to install it. Alternatively, you can use the link provided above.
Which social media platforms does "Reason to follow" support?
Currently, "Reason to follow" supports major social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, GitHub and LinkedIn.
How do I save a note using the extension?
After installing the extension, navigate to the profile you want to add a note for. If you are connected or follow the account, you can see a "Add Reason" button. Click on "Add Reason" button to get a textbox. Write your note and click save.
Can I edit or delete a note after saving it?
Yes, you can edit or delete a note at any time. Simply navigate to the profile and click on Edit button to make a change. Empty the textbox to delete the note. Don't forget to click Save button to complete the action.
Is my data secure with "Reason to follow"?
Yes, we take privacy seriously. All your notes are stored locally on your device and synced into your browser profile (if you are signed in). For more details, please review our privacy policy.
Can I access my notes on different devices?
By default, note data is stored in browser local storage. In order to access it on a different device, user must be signed into the browser profile. The data is automatically syned into browser profile and then it can become available on other devices where user signs in again with the same browser profile.
Does "Reason to follow" work in incognito mode?
Yes, the extension works in incognito mode. However, please note that notes saved in incognito mode are not stored after you close the incognito window.
How many notes can I save for each profile?
You can only save one note for each profile. You can check a list of saved notes in the extension settings. There is a limit of 5 notes per user. Support for more notes is coming soon.
I'm having technical issues with the extension. What should I do?
If you're experiencing technical difficulties, please check our troubleshooting guide in the extension settings. If the issue persists, feel free to contact our support team for assistance.
Is "Reason to follow" available on mobile devices?
Currently, "Reason to follow" is only available as a browser extension for desktop browsers. Mobile support may be considered if mobile browsers get support for browser extensions.
How often does "Reason to follow" receive updates?
We strive to improve the extension regularly based on user feedback and needs. Updates are typically released as needed to enhance functionality and address any issues.